The impact of grain-scale strain localization on strain hardening of a high-Mn steel: Real-time tracking of the transition from the γ → ε → α’ transformation to twinning (2020)
- Authors:
- Unidades: EEL; EP
- DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.07.038
- Keywords: High-Mn steel; In-situ synchrotron XRD measurements; Microscopic image correlation; Strain hardening mechanisms; Strain localization
- Agências de fomento:
- Language: Inglês
- Abstract: Strain partitioning and localization were investigated in a high-Mn steel (17.1 wt.% Mn) during tensile testing by a correlative probing approach including in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction, micro- digi- tal image correlation (μ-DIC) and electron microscopy. By combining Warren’s theory with the μ-DIC analysis, we monitored the formation of planar faults (stacking faults and mechanical twins) and corre- lated them with the local strain partitioning behavior within the microstructure. Starting with an initial microstructure of austenite (γ ) and athermally formed ε- and α’-martensite, strain accumulates pref- erentially near the γ /ε interfaces during tensile straining. The local microscopic von Mises strain (εvM) maps obtained from μ-DIC probing show that these local strain gradients produce local strain peaks approximately twice as high as the imposed macroscopic engineering strain (ε), thus locally triggering formation of ε-martensite already at early yielding. The interior of the remaining austenite, without such interfacial strain peaks, remained nearly devoid of planar faults. The local strain-driven growth of the ε-domains occurs concomitantly with the α’-martensite formation. At intermediate macroscopic applied strains, austenite grain size is considerably reduced to a few nanometers and the associated γ /ε interfa- cial microscopic strain peaks increase in magnitude. This scenario favors twinning to emerge as a com- peting strain hardening mechanism at engineering strain levels from ε = 0.075 onwards. At large tensile strains, the γ → ε → α’ transformation rates tend to cease making both twinning and SFs formation to operate as the main strain hardening mechanisms.The findings shed light on the transformation micro- mechanisms in multiphase Mn-TRIP steels by revealing how strain localization among the constituents can directly influence the kinetics of the competing strain hardening mechanisms.
- Imprenta:
- Source:
- Título: Acta materialia
- ISSN: 13596454
- Volume/Número/Paginação/Ano: n. 197, p.123-136, 2020
- Este periódico é de assinatura
- Este artigo NÃO é de acesso aberto
- Cor do Acesso Aberto: closed
SOUZA FILHO, Isnaldi Rodrigues de et al. The impact of grain-scale strain localization on strain hardening of a high-Mn steel: Real-time tracking of the transition from the γ → ε → α’ transformation to twinning. Acta materialia, n. 197, p. 123-136, 2020Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 06 mar. 2025. -
Souza Filho, I. R. de, Dutta, A. K., Almeida Junior, D. R., Lu, W., Sandim, M. J. R., Ponge, D., et al. (2020). The impact of grain-scale strain localization on strain hardening of a high-Mn steel: Real-time tracking of the transition from the γ → ε → α’ transformation to twinning. Acta materialia, ( 197), 123-136. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2020.07.038 -
Souza Filho IR de, Dutta AK, Almeida Junior DR, Lu W, Sandim MJR, Ponge D, Sandim HRZ, Raabe D. The impact of grain-scale strain localization on strain hardening of a high-Mn steel: Real-time tracking of the transition from the γ → ε → α’ transformation to twinning [Internet]. Acta materialia. 2020 ;( 197): 123-136.[citado 2025 mar. 06 ] Available from: -
Souza Filho IR de, Dutta AK, Almeida Junior DR, Lu W, Sandim MJR, Ponge D, Sandim HRZ, Raabe D. The impact of grain-scale strain localization on strain hardening of a high-Mn steel: Real-time tracking of the transition from the γ → ε → α’ transformation to twinning [Internet]. Acta materialia. 2020 ;( 197): 123-136.[citado 2025 mar. 06 ] Available from: - Quantification of retained austenite by X-ray diffraction and saturation magnetization in a supermartensitic stainless steel
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Informações sobre o DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.07.038 (Fonte: oaDOI API)
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