@article{article869ba88a, title = {Common genetic causes of holoprosencephaly are limited to a small set of evolutionarily conserved driver genes of midline development coordinated by TGF-β, hedgehog, and FGF signaling}, author = {Roessler, Erich and Hu, Ping and Marino, Juliana and Hong, Sungkook and Hart, Rachel and Berger, Seth and Martinez , Ariel and Abe, Yu and Kruszka, Paul and Thomas, James W and Mullikin, James C and NISC Comparative Sequencing Program and Wang, Yupeng and Wong, Wendy S. W and Niederhuber, John E and Solomon, Benjamin D and Richieri-Costa, Antonio and Bicudo, Lucilene Arilho Ribeiro and Muenke, Maximilian}, year = {2018}, doi = {10.1002/humu.23590}, journal = {Human Mutation} }