@inproceedings{inproceedingse68728c7, title = {Structural effect of Ag2WO4 on AgI-AgPO3 ionic glass system analyzed by solid state NMR and Raman spectroscopies}, author = {Santagneli, S. and Blais-Robergec, M. and Messaddeq, S. H. and Rioux, R. and Ledemi, Y. and Messaddeq, Y. and Eckert, Hellmut}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa - UEPG - Pró-Reitoria de Extensão e de Assuntos Culturais - PROEX}, booktitle = {Brazilian Symposium on Glass and Related Materials - BRAZGLASS} }