@article{articlef2f63c0a, title = {Malaria molecular epidemiology: lessons from the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research Network}, author = {Escalante, Ananias A. and Ferreira, Marcelo Urbano and Vinetz, Joseph M. and Volkman, Sarah K. and Cui, Liwang, and Gamboa, Dionicia and Krogstad, Donald J. and Barry, Alyssa E. and Carlton, Jane M. and Ejik, Anna Maria van and Pradhan, Khageswar and Mueller, Ivo and Greenhouse, Bryan and Pacheco, M. Andreina and Vallejo, Andres F. and Herrera, Socrates and Felger, Ingrid}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.4269/ajtmh.15-0005}, journal = {American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene} }