@inproceedings{inproceedings1eaca2f5, title = {TWIST2 is the cause of ablepharon macrostomia and barber say syndromes: reascertainment of two cases lost to follow-up as keys to solving these conditions}, author = {Markello, T. and Marchegiani, S. and Davis, T. and Tessadori, F. and van Haaften, G. and Brancati, F. and Pusey, B. and Wolfe, L. and Tifft, C. and Ferraz, Victor Evangelista de Faria and Roche, N. and Ramos, F. and Malicdan, M. and Boerkoel, C. and Gahl, W. A. and Vries, B. de and van Haelst, M. and Zenker, M.}, year = {2015}, publisher = {ASHG}, booktitle = {Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics} }