@article{article87b7a75c, title = {Application of MALDI-MS analysis of Rainforest chemodiversity: a keystone for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use}, author = {Pavarini, Daniel P. and Silva, Denise B. da and Carollo, Carlos A. and Portella, Amanda P. F. and Latansio-Aidar, Sabrina Ribeiro and Cavalin, Pedro O. and Oliveira, Viviane C. and Rosado, Bruno H. P. and Aidar, Marcos P. M. and Bolzani, Vanderlan S. and Lopes, Norberto Peporine and Joly, Carlos A.}, year = {2012}, doi = {10.1002/jms.3100}, journal = {Journal of Mass Spectrometry} }