@inproceedings{inproceedings7c1795b3, title = {Role of hyperglicemia in the modulation of transcript expression of oxidative stress genes in lymphocytes of type-2 diabetic patients}, author = {Xavier, D. J. and Takahashi, P. and Evangelista, A. F. and Manoel-Caetano, F. S. and Macedo, C. and Collares, C. V. A. and Rassi, D. M. and Foss-Freitas, Maria Cristina and Foss, Milton César and Donadi, Eduardo Antônio and Passos, Geraldo Aleixo Silva and Sakamoto-Hojo, Elza Tiemi}, year = {2011}, publisher = {SBMCTA}, booktitle = {Congresso Brasileiro da Sociedade Brasileira de Mutagênese, Carcinogênese e Teratogênese Ambiental (SBMCTA)} }