@article{article81ce1d6a, title = {Implantation of "ANTPOT.111 In" in the Heusler alloys "Pd IND.2" MdZ (Z=Sn, Sb, Ge, In) following heavy ion nuclear reactions: measurement of magnetic hyperfine field using PAC spectroscopy}, author = {Cabrera-Pasca, G A and Rao, M. N. and Oliveira, J. R. B. and Rizzutto, Marcia de Almeida and Added, Nemitala and Seale, W. A. and Ribas, Roberto Vicençotto and Medina, N. H. and Saxena, Rajendra Narain and Carbonari, A W}, year = {2005}, journal = {Hyperfine Interaction} }