Filtros : "GEOLOGIA REGIONAL" "Tommasi, Andrea" Limpar


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  • Source: Abstracts Volume. Conference titles: International Geological Congress. Unidades: IGC, IAG


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      EGYDIO-SILVA, Marcos et al. Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting. [em CD-ROM]. 2000, Anais.. Rio de Janeiro: CPRM, 2000. Disponível em: Acesso em: 01 fev. 2025.
    • APA

      Egydio-Silva, M., Vauchez, A., Assumpção, M. S. de, Tommasi, A., Barruol, G., & Heintz, M. (2000). Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting. [em CD-ROM]. In Abstracts Volume. Rio de Janeiro: CPRM. Recuperado de
    • NLM

      Egydio-Silva M, Vauchez A, Assumpção MS de, Tommasi A, Barruol G, Heintz M. Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting. [em CD-ROM] [Internet]. Abstracts Volume. 2000 ;[citado 2025 fev. 01 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Egydio-Silva M, Vauchez A, Assumpção MS de, Tommasi A, Barruol G, Heintz M. Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting. [em CD-ROM] [Internet]. Abstracts Volume. 2000 ;[citado 2025 fev. 01 ] Available from:
  • Conference titles: European Geophysical Society Annual Meeting. Unidades: IAG, IGC


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      ASSUMPÇÃO, Marcelo Sousa de et al. Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting. 1999, Anais.. [S.l.]: Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo, 1999. Disponível em: Acesso em: 01 fev. 2025.
    • APA

      Assumpção, M. S. de, Vauchez, A., Egydio-Silva, M., Tommasi, A., & Barruol, G. (1999). Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting. In . Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo. Recuperado de
    • NLM

      Assumpção MS de, Vauchez A, Egydio-Silva M, Tommasi A, Barruol G. Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting [Internet]. 1999 ;[citado 2025 fev. 01 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Assumpção MS de, Vauchez A, Egydio-Silva M, Tommasi A, Barruol G. Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting [Internet]. 1999 ;[citado 2025 fev. 01 ] Available from:
  • Conference titles: Gordon Conference on The "Interior of the Earth". Unidades: IAG, IGC


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    • ABNT

      ASSUMPÇÃO, Marcelo Sousa de et al. Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting. 1998, Anais.. [S.l.]: Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo, 1998. Disponível em: Acesso em: 01 fev. 2025.
    • APA

      Assumpção, M. S. de, Lebreton, S., Egydio-Silva, M., Vauchez, A., Tommasi, A., & Barruol, G. (1998). Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting. In . Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo. Recuperado de
    • NLM

      Assumpção MS de, Lebreton S, Egydio-Silva M, Vauchez A, Tommasi A, Barruol G. Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting [Internet]. 1998 ;[citado 2025 fev. 01 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Assumpção MS de, Lebreton S, Egydio-Silva M, Vauchez A, Tommasi A, Barruol G. Coherent crust and upper mantle deformation around a cratonic core: evidence from surface geology, numerical modeling and shear wave splitting [Internet]. 1998 ;[citado 2025 fev. 01 ] Available from:

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