Production and simulations of light radioactive ion beams, 10Be and 10C. (2019)
Source: Abstracts. Conference titles: Reunião de Trabalho sobre Física Nuclear no Brasil. Unidade: IF
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ZEVALLOS, Erick Oscar Natividad et al. Production and simulations of light radioactive ion beams, 10Be and 10C. 2019, Anais.. São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2019. . Acesso em: 06 nov. 2024.APA
Zevallos, E. O. N., Dourado, L., Guimarães, V., Lara, A. L., Zamora, J. C., Alcantara-Nunez, J. A., et al. (2019). Production and simulations of light radioactive ion beams, 10Be and 10C. In Abstracts. São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Física.NLM
Zevallos EON, Dourado L, Guimarães V, Lara AL, Zamora JC, Alcantara-Nunez JA, Kaur G, Cardozo ÉN, Lichtenthäler R, Pires KCC, Santos OCB dos, Serra A da S, Silva UU da. Production and simulations of light radioactive ion beams, 10Be and 10C. Abstracts. 2019 ;[citado 2024 nov. 06 ]Vancouver
Zevallos EON, Dourado L, Guimarães V, Lara AL, Zamora JC, Alcantara-Nunez JA, Kaur G, Cardozo ÉN, Lichtenthäler R, Pires KCC, Santos OCB dos, Serra A da S, Silva UU da. Production and simulations of light radioactive ion beams, 10Be and 10C. Abstracts. 2019 ;[citado 2024 nov. 06 ]