Filtros : "Dominguez, José Maria Landim" "1998" Limpar


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  • Source: Marine Geology. Unidade: IGC


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    • ABNT

      MARTIN, Louis et al. Oscillations or not oscillations, that is the question: comment on Angulo, R.J. and Lessa, G.C. "The Brazilian sea-level curves, a critical review with emphasis on the curves from the Paranaguá and Cananéia regions". Marine Geology, v. 150, n. 1-4, p. 179-187, 1998Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 nov. 2024.
    • APA

      Martin, L., Bittencourt, A. C. da S. P., Dominguez, J. M. L., Flexor, J. -M., & Suguio, K. (1998). Oscillations or not oscillations, that is the question: comment on Angulo, R.J. and Lessa, G.C. "The Brazilian sea-level curves, a critical review with emphasis on the curves from the Paranaguá and Cananéia regions". Marine Geology, 150( 1-4), 179-187. doi:10.1016/S0025-3227(98)00044-9
    • NLM

      Martin L, Bittencourt AC da SP, Dominguez JML, Flexor J-M, Suguio K. Oscillations or not oscillations, that is the question: comment on Angulo, R.J. and Lessa, G.C. "The Brazilian sea-level curves, a critical review with emphasis on the curves from the Paranaguá and Cananéia regions" [Internet]. Marine Geology. 1998 ;150( 1-4): 179-187.[citado 2024 nov. 18 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Martin L, Bittencourt AC da SP, Dominguez JML, Flexor J-M, Suguio K. Oscillations or not oscillations, that is the question: comment on Angulo, R.J. and Lessa, G.C. "The Brazilian sea-level curves, a critical review with emphasis on the curves from the Paranaguá and Cananéia regions" [Internet]. Marine Geology. 1998 ;150( 1-4): 179-187.[citado 2024 nov. 18 ] Available from:

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