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  • Source: Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2007. Conference titles: Goldschmidt Conference. Unidade: IAG


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    • ABNT

      MERLE, R et al. 'ANTPOT. 40 Ar'/'ANTPOT. 39Ar' ages and geochemistry of Maranhão CAMP tholeiites (Brazil): implications for low and high-Ti basalt sources. 2007, Anais.. Bayreuth: European Association for Geochemistry, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Merle, R., Marzoli, A., Verati, C., Bertrand, H., Chiaradia, M., Bellieni, G., & Ernesto, M. (2007). 'ANTPOT. 40 Ar'/'ANTPOT. 39Ar' ages and geochemistry of Maranhão CAMP tholeiites (Brazil): implications for low and high-Ti basalt sources. In Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2007. Bayreuth: European Association for Geochemistry. Recuperado de
    • NLM

      Merle R, Marzoli A, Verati C, Bertrand H, Chiaradia M, Bellieni G, Ernesto M. 'ANTPOT. 40 Ar'/'ANTPOT. 39Ar' ages and geochemistry of Maranhão CAMP tholeiites (Brazil): implications for low and high-Ti basalt sources [Internet]. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2007. 2007 ;[citado 2024 jun. 21 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Merle R, Marzoli A, Verati C, Bertrand H, Chiaradia M, Bellieni G, Ernesto M. 'ANTPOT. 40 Ar'/'ANTPOT. 39Ar' ages and geochemistry of Maranhão CAMP tholeiites (Brazil): implications for low and high-Ti basalt sources [Internet]. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2007. 2007 ;[citado 2024 jun. 21 ] Available from:

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