Filtros : "Bachega, José Fernando Ruggiero" "Croácia" Removidos: "IFSC008" "Indexado no: Zoological Record Online" "National Health and Medical Research Council [APP1037746]" "Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira" "PUSP-C" Limpar


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  • Source: Stoichiometry and Research - The Importance of Quantity in Biomedicine. Unidade: IQSC

    Assunto: BIOQUÍMICA

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    • ABNT

      TABAK, Marcel et al. Recent new characterizations on the giant extracellular hemoglobin of glossoscolex paulistus and some other giant hemoglobins from different worms. Stoichiometry and Research - The Importance of Quantity in Biomedicine. Tradução . Rijeka: InTech, 2012. . Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Tabak, M., Carvalho, F. A. de O., Carvalho, J. W. P., Bachega, J. F. R., & Santiago, P. S. (2012). Recent new characterizations on the giant extracellular hemoglobin of glossoscolex paulistus and some other giant hemoglobins from different worms. In Stoichiometry and Research - The Importance of Quantity in Biomedicine. Rijeka: InTech. Recuperado de
    • NLM

      Tabak M, Carvalho FA de O, Carvalho JWP, Bachega JFR, Santiago PS. Recent new characterizations on the giant extracellular hemoglobin of glossoscolex paulistus and some other giant hemoglobins from different worms [Internet]. In: Stoichiometry and Research - The Importance of Quantity in Biomedicine. Rijeka: InTech; 2012. [citado 2024 jun. 24 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Tabak M, Carvalho FA de O, Carvalho JWP, Bachega JFR, Santiago PS. Recent new characterizations on the giant extracellular hemoglobin of glossoscolex paulistus and some other giant hemoglobins from different worms [Internet]. In: Stoichiometry and Research - The Importance of Quantity in Biomedicine. Rijeka: InTech; 2012. [citado 2024 jun. 24 ] Available from:

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