Filtros : "University of Göttingen - Mathematisches Institut - Göttingen" "Melo, Severino Toscano do Rego" "IME" Removidos: "SD" "FFCLRP-595" "IAMBARTSEV, ANATOLI" "RAGAZZO, CLODOALDO GROTTA" Limpar


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  • Source: Analysis, geometry and quantum field theory. Conference titles: International conference in honor of Steve Rosenberg's 60th birthday. Unidade: IME

    Assunto: K-TEORIA

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    • ABNT

      MELO, Severino Toscano do Rego e SCHICK, Thomas e SCHROHE, Elmar. C*-algebra approach to the index theory of boundary value problems. 2012, Anais.. Providence, Rhode Island: AMS, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Melo, S. T. do R., Schick, T., & Schrohe, E. (2012). C*-algebra approach to the index theory of boundary value problems. In Analysis, geometry and quantum field theory. Providence, Rhode Island: AMS. doi:10.1090/conm/584/11587
    • NLM

      Melo ST do R, Schick T, Schrohe E. C*-algebra approach to the index theory of boundary value problems [Internet]. Analysis, geometry and quantum field theory. 2012 ;[citado 2024 jun. 28 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Melo ST do R, Schick T, Schrohe E. C*-algebra approach to the index theory of boundary value problems [Internet]. Analysis, geometry and quantum field theory. 2012 ;[citado 2024 jun. 28 ] Available from:

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