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ADE, P. A. R. et al. Planck intermediate results: XXXV. Probing the role of the magnetic field in the formation of structure in molecular clouds. Astronomy & Astrophysics, v. 586, n. 3, p. 01-29, 2016Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 01 nov. 2024.APA
Ade, P. A. R., Aghanim, N., Alves, M. I. R., Arnaud, M., Arzoumanian, D., Ashdown, M., et al. (2016). Planck intermediate results: XXXV. Probing the role of the magnetic field in the formation of structure in molecular clouds. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 586( 3), 01-29. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201525896NLM
Ade PAR, Aghanim N, Alves MIR, Arnaud M, Arzoumanian D, Ashdown M, Aumont J, Baccigalupi C, Banday AJ, Barreiro RB, Bartolo N, Battaner E, Benabed K, Benoît A, Benoit-Lévy A, Bernard J-P, Bersanelli M, Bielewicz P, Bock JJ, Bonavera L, Bond JR, Borrill J, Bouchet FR, Boulanger F, Bracco A, Burigana C, Calabrese E, Cardoso J-F, Catalano A, Chiang HC, Christensen PR, Colombo LPL, Combet C, Couchot F, Cril BP, Curto A, Cuttaia F, Danese L, Davies RD, Davis RJ, Bernardis P de, Rosa A de, De Zotti G, Delabrouille J, Dickinson C, Diego JM, Dole H, Donzelli S, Doré O, Douspis M, Ducout A, Dupac X, Efstathiou G, Elsner F, Enßlin TA, Eriksen HK, Falceta Gonçalves DA, Falgarone E, Ferrière K, Finelli F, Forni O, Frailis M, Fraisse AA, Franceschi E, Frejsel A, Galeotta S, Galli S, Ganga K, Ghosh T, Giard M, Gjerløw E, González-Nuevo J, Górski KM, Gregorio A, Gruppuso A, Gudmundsson JE, Guillet V, Harrison DL, Helou G, Hennebelle P, Henrot-Versillé S, Hernández-Monteagudo C, Herranz D, Hildebrandt SR, Hivon E, Holmes WA, Hornstrup A, Huffenberger KM, Hurier G, Jaffe AH, Jaffe TR, Jones WC, Juvela M, Keihanen E, Keskitalo R, Kisner TS, Knoche J, Kunz M, Kurki-Suonio H, Lagache G, Lamarre J-M, Lasenby A, Lattanzi M, Lawrence CR, Leonardi R, Levrier F, Liguori M, Lilje PB, Linden-Vørnle M, López-Caniego M, Lubin PM, Macías-Pérez JF, Maino D, Mandolesi N, Mangilli A, Maris M, Martin PG, Martínez-González E, Masi S, Matarrese S, Melchiorri A, Mendes L, Mennella A, Migliaccio M, Miville-Deschênes M-A, Moneti A, Montier L, Morgante G, Mortlock D, Munshi D, Murph JA, Naselsky P, Nat F, Netterfield CB, Noviello F, Novikok D, Novikov I, Oppermann N, Oxborrow CA, Pagano L, Pajot F, Paladini R, Paoletti D, Pasian F, Perotto L, Pettorino V, Piacentini F, Piat M, Pierpaoli E, Pietrobon D, Plaszczynski S, Pointecouteau E, Polenta G, Ponthieu N, Prat GW, Prunet S, Puget J-L, Rachen JP, Reinecke M, Remazeilles M, Renault C, Renzi A, Ristorcelli I, Rocha G, Rossetti M, Roudier G, Rubinõ-Martín JA, Rusholme B, Sandri M, Santos D, Savelainen M, Savini G, Scott D, Soler JD, Stolyarov V, Sudiwala R, Sutton D, Suur-Uski A-S, Sygnet J-F, Tauber JA, Terenzi L, Toffolatti L, Tomasi M, Tristram M, Tucci M, Umana G, Valenziano L, Valiviita J, Van Tent B, Vielva P, Villa F, Wade LA, Wandelt BD, Wehus IK, Ysard N, Yvon D, Zonca A. Planck intermediate results: XXXV. Probing the role of the magnetic field in the formation of structure in molecular clouds [Internet]. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2016 ; 586( 3): 01-29.[citado 2024 nov. 01 ] Available from:
Ade PAR, Aghanim N, Alves MIR, Arnaud M, Arzoumanian D, Ashdown M, Aumont J, Baccigalupi C, Banday AJ, Barreiro RB, Bartolo N, Battaner E, Benabed K, Benoît A, Benoit-Lévy A, Bernard J-P, Bersanelli M, Bielewicz P, Bock JJ, Bonavera L, Bond JR, Borrill J, Bouchet FR, Boulanger F, Bracco A, Burigana C, Calabrese E, Cardoso J-F, Catalano A, Chiang HC, Christensen PR, Colombo LPL, Combet C, Couchot F, Cril BP, Curto A, Cuttaia F, Danese L, Davies RD, Davis RJ, Bernardis P de, Rosa A de, De Zotti G, Delabrouille J, Dickinson C, Diego JM, Dole H, Donzelli S, Doré O, Douspis M, Ducout A, Dupac X, Efstathiou G, Elsner F, Enßlin TA, Eriksen HK, Falceta Gonçalves DA, Falgarone E, Ferrière K, Finelli F, Forni O, Frailis M, Fraisse AA, Franceschi E, Frejsel A, Galeotta S, Galli S, Ganga K, Ghosh T, Giard M, Gjerløw E, González-Nuevo J, Górski KM, Gregorio A, Gruppuso A, Gudmundsson JE, Guillet V, Harrison DL, Helou G, Hennebelle P, Henrot-Versillé S, Hernández-Monteagudo C, Herranz D, Hildebrandt SR, Hivon E, Holmes WA, Hornstrup A, Huffenberger KM, Hurier G, Jaffe AH, Jaffe TR, Jones WC, Juvela M, Keihanen E, Keskitalo R, Kisner TS, Knoche J, Kunz M, Kurki-Suonio H, Lagache G, Lamarre J-M, Lasenby A, Lattanzi M, Lawrence CR, Leonardi R, Levrier F, Liguori M, Lilje PB, Linden-Vørnle M, López-Caniego M, Lubin PM, Macías-Pérez JF, Maino D, Mandolesi N, Mangilli A, Maris M, Martin PG, Martínez-González E, Masi S, Matarrese S, Melchiorri A, Mendes L, Mennella A, Migliaccio M, Miville-Deschênes M-A, Moneti A, Montier L, Morgante G, Mortlock D, Munshi D, Murph JA, Naselsky P, Nat F, Netterfield CB, Noviello F, Novikok D, Novikov I, Oppermann N, Oxborrow CA, Pagano L, Pajot F, Paladini R, Paoletti D, Pasian F, Perotto L, Pettorino V, Piacentini F, Piat M, Pierpaoli E, Pietrobon D, Plaszczynski S, Pointecouteau E, Polenta G, Ponthieu N, Prat GW, Prunet S, Puget J-L, Rachen JP, Reinecke M, Remazeilles M, Renault C, Renzi A, Ristorcelli I, Rocha G, Rossetti M, Roudier G, Rubinõ-Martín JA, Rusholme B, Sandri M, Santos D, Savelainen M, Savini G, Scott D, Soler JD, Stolyarov V, Sudiwala R, Sutton D, Suur-Uski A-S, Sygnet J-F, Tauber JA, Terenzi L, Toffolatti L, Tomasi M, Tristram M, Tucci M, Umana G, Valenziano L, Valiviita J, Van Tent B, Vielva P, Villa F, Wade LA, Wandelt BD, Wehus IK, Ysard N, Yvon D, Zonca A. Planck intermediate results: XXXV. Probing the role of the magnetic field in the formation of structure in molecular clouds [Internet]. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2016 ; 586( 3): 01-29.[citado 2024 nov. 01 ] Available from: