Source: Resumos. Conference titles: Reunião Anual da Federação de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental. Unidade: FMVZ
MAMBELLI, L. I et al. Isolation, characterization and differentiation of equine adipose tissue derived from mesenchymal stem cell. 2007, Anais.. [S.l.]: Fesbe, 2007. . Acesso em: 30 dez. 2024.APA
Mambelli, L. I., Santos, E. J. C., Borja, M. C., Frazão, P. J. R., Maranduba, C. M. da C., Kerkis, A., et al. (2007). Isolation, characterization and differentiation of equine adipose tissue derived from mesenchymal stem cell. In Resumos. [S.l.]: Fesbe.NLM
Mambelli LI, Santos EJC, Borja MC, Frazão PJR, Maranduba CM da C, Kerkis A, Zoppa AL do V de, Kerkis I. Isolation, characterization and differentiation of equine adipose tissue derived from mesenchymal stem cell. Resumos. 2007 ;[citado 2024 dez. 30 ]Vancouver
Mambelli LI, Santos EJC, Borja MC, Frazão PJR, Maranduba CM da C, Kerkis A, Zoppa AL do V de, Kerkis I. Isolation, characterization and differentiation of equine adipose tissue derived from mesenchymal stem cell. Resumos. 2007 ;[citado 2024 dez. 30 ]