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  • Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B. Unidade: IF


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    • ABNT

      DUN, Z. L. et al. Chemical pressure effects on magnetism in the quantum spin liquid candidates 'YB' IND. 2''X IND. 2''O' IND. 7' (X='SN', 'TI', 'GE'). PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. fe 2014, n. 6, p. 064401, 2014Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Dun, Z. L., Zhou, H. D., Lee, M., Choi, E. S., Hallas, A. M., Wiebe, C. R., et al. (2014). Chemical pressure effects on magnetism in the quantum spin liquid candidates 'YB' IND. 2''X IND. 2''O' IND. 7' (X='SN', 'TI', 'GE'). PHYSICAL REVIEW B, fe 2014( 6), 064401. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.89.064401
    • NLM

      Dun ZL, Zhou HD, Lee M, Choi ES, Hallas AM, Wiebe CR, Gardner JS, Arevalo-Lopez AM, Attfield JP, Cheng JG, Arrighi E, Freitas RS de. Chemical pressure effects on magnetism in the quantum spin liquid candidates 'YB' IND. 2''X IND. 2''O' IND. 7' (X='SN', 'TI', 'GE') [Internet]. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2014 ; fe 2014( 6): 064401.[citado 2024 jun. 28 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Dun ZL, Zhou HD, Lee M, Choi ES, Hallas AM, Wiebe CR, Gardner JS, Arevalo-Lopez AM, Attfield JP, Cheng JG, Arrighi E, Freitas RS de. Chemical pressure effects on magnetism in the quantum spin liquid candidates 'YB' IND. 2''X IND. 2''O' IND. 7' (X='SN', 'TI', 'GE') [Internet]. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2014 ; fe 2014( 6): 064401.[citado 2024 jun. 28 ] Available from:

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