Some coffee by an afternoon: life: what it is, what it is not and what it might be as per the dialogue of an odd trio of debaters (2022)
- Autor:
- Unidade: FMVZ
- Language: Inglês
- Imprenta:
- Publisher: Editora Polobooks
- Publisher place: São Paulo
- Date published: 2022
- Descrição física: 97 p
- ISBN: 9786500555400
BRANDÃO, Paulo Eduardo. Some coffee by an afternoon: life: what it is, what it is not and what it might be as per the dialogue of an odd trio of debaters. . São Paulo: Editora Polobooks. . Acesso em: 10 fev. 2025. , 2022 -
Brandão, P. E. (2022). Some coffee by an afternoon: life: what it is, what it is not and what it might be as per the dialogue of an odd trio of debaters. São Paulo: Editora Polobooks. -
Brandão PE. Some coffee by an afternoon: life: what it is, what it is not and what it might be as per the dialogue of an odd trio of debaters. 2022 ;[citado 2025 fev. 10 ] -
Brandão PE. Some coffee by an afternoon: life: what it is, what it is not and what it might be as per the dialogue of an odd trio of debaters. 2022 ;[citado 2025 fev. 10 ] - Conversa franca: situação dos frigoríficos do MT [Entrevista a Otávio Ceschi Júnior]
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