Interacting environmental stressors modulate reproductive output and larval performance in a tropical intertidal barnacle (2015)
- Authors:
- Unidade: CEBIMAR
- DOI: 10.3354/meps11377
- Language: Inglês
- Source:
- Título: Marine Ecology Progress Series
- ISSN: 1616-1599
- Volume/Número/Paginação/Ano: v. 532, 2015, p. 161-175.
- Este periódico é de assinatura
- Este artigo é de acesso aberto
- URL de acesso aberto
- Cor do Acesso Aberto: bronze
FREUCHET, Florian e TREMBLAY, Réjean e FLORES, Augusto Alberto Valero. Interacting environmental stressors modulate reproductive output and larval performance in a tropical intertidal barnacle. Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 532, p. 161-175., 2015Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 09 fev. 2025. -
Freuchet, F., Tremblay, R., & Flores, A. A. V. (2015). Interacting environmental stressors modulate reproductive output and larval performance in a tropical intertidal barnacle. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 532, 161-175. doi:10.3354/meps11377 -
Freuchet F, Tremblay R, Flores AAV. Interacting environmental stressors modulate reproductive output and larval performance in a tropical intertidal barnacle [Internet]. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2015 ; 532 161-175.[citado 2025 fev. 09 ] Available from: -
Freuchet F, Tremblay R, Flores AAV. Interacting environmental stressors modulate reproductive output and larval performance in a tropical intertidal barnacle [Internet]. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2015 ; 532 161-175.[citado 2025 fev. 09 ] Available from: - Fatty acid composition as a function of latitude in barnacle cyprid larvae
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Informações sobre o DOI: 10.3354/meps11377 (Fonte: oaDOI API)
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