Chemical characterization of bottom sediment samples from admiralty bay, king George Island, Antartic (2006)
- Authors:
- Unidade: IO
- Language: Inglês
- Abstract: Since 1982, several Brazilian scientific projects have been developed in the Antarctic region. The Hydro Geochemistry of Admiralty Bay project started in 2000. One of the purposes of this scientific project is to assess the content of heavy metals and other elements of interest in bottom sediments; providing information about the natural levels of the region and about possible anthropogenic nfluences. In the context of the Brazilian Antarctic Program (PROANTAR) two sampling trips were undertaken in two Antarctic summer periods (2003/2004 and 2004/2005). In this paper the results obtained in these campaigns for the elemental characterization of the upper bottom sediments are presented. After collecting the samples (20), they were frozen (-20°C) and kept in this condition. In the laboratory all samples were previously dried at 60oC in a ventilated oven, passed through a 0.063 mm sieve and homogenized before analysis. Trace elements (As, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Rb, Sb, Sc, Ta, Tb, Th, U and Zn), rare earth elements (Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Nd, Sm, Tb and Yb) and major elements (Fe, K and Na) were determined by using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Methodology validation was performed by analysis of certified reference materials. Organic carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorous (organic and total) were determined in the sediment samples as well. For total mercury determination CV AAS technique was employed. Methodology validation was performed byanalysis of certified reference materials. The mean concentration of total mercury in the sediment samples was: 32 ± 12 (16 to 66) µg kg-1 (1st campaign) and 22 ± 9 (10 - 46) µg kg-1 (2nd campaign), for all samples distributed along Admiralty Bay. In summer 2004/2005, the average values of organic carbon was 0.19% ( <0.01 % to 0.41 %). In relation to the total nitrogen, all values were less than 0.17 %, while total sulphur in the sediments varied from 0.10 to 1.64 %. The average value for organic phosphorous was 3.69 ìmol.g-1 (0.48 to 10.66 ìmol.g-1), while the inorganic phosphorus presented values between 24.71 to 50.18 ìmol.g-1, corresponding to a range from 73 to 99 % of total phosphorus. ANOVA will be applied to the elemental concentrations obtained in both campaigns for the sediment samples in order to verify if there is significative difference among these values. The results obtained for multielemental and Hg concentrations in the sediment samples will be compared with UCC values (Upper Continental Crust). Cluster analysis of the chemical data will be applied.
- Imprenta:
- Source:
- Título: resumos
- Conference titles: Simpósio Brasileiro de Oceranografia, 3
CAVALLARO, G. P. M et al. Chemical characterization of bottom sediment samples from admiralty bay, king George Island, Antartic. 2006, Anais.. São Paulo: Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. . Acesso em: 06 mar. 2025. -
Cavallaro, G. P. M., Fávaro, D. I. T., Silva, P. S. C. da, Mazzilli, B. P., Braga, E. de S., & Berbel, G. B. B. (2006). Chemical characterization of bottom sediment samples from admiralty bay, king George Island, Antartic. In resumos. São Paulo: Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo. -
Cavallaro GPM, Fávaro DIT, Silva PSC da, Mazzilli BP, Braga E de S, Berbel GBB. Chemical characterization of bottom sediment samples from admiralty bay, king George Island, Antartic. resumos. 2006 ;[citado 2025 mar. 06 ] -
Cavallaro GPM, Fávaro DIT, Silva PSC da, Mazzilli BP, Braga E de S, Berbel GBB. Chemical characterization of bottom sediment samples from admiralty bay, king George Island, Antartic. resumos. 2006 ;[citado 2025 mar. 06 ] - Distribuição granulométrica dos sedimentos superficiais da Baía de Santos: influência hidrodinâmica, antrópica e sazonal.
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