The social impact of the africanized honey bee in Brazil (2000)
- Autor:
- Unidade: FFCLRP
- Language: Inglês
- Imprenta:
- Publisher place: Chiang Mai
- Date published: 2000
- Source:
- Título: Program and Abstracts
- Conference titles: International Bee Research Association
GONÇALVES, Lionel Segui. The social impact of the africanized honey bee in Brazil. 2000, Anais.. Chiang Mai: Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, 2000. . Acesso em: 04 nov. 2024. -
Gonçalves, L. S. (2000). The social impact of the africanized honey bee in Brazil. In Program and Abstracts. Chiang Mai: Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. -
Gonçalves LS. The social impact of the africanized honey bee in Brazil. Program and Abstracts. 2000 ;[citado 2024 nov. 04 ] -
Gonçalves LS. The social impact of the africanized honey bee in Brazil. Program and Abstracts. 2000 ;[citado 2024 nov. 04 ] - Study of the preference of the mite varroa jacobsoni for apis mellifera drones
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