Prenatally malnourished female but not male rats show increased sensitivity to MK-801 in a differential reinforcement of low rates task (1998)
- Authors:
- Unidade: FFCLRP
- Language: Inglês
- Imprenta:
- Source:
- Título: Behavioral Pharmacology
- Volume/Número/Paginação/Ano: v. 9, n. 1, p. 49-60, 1998
TONKISS, J e ALMEIDA, Sebastião de Sousa e GALLER, J R. Prenatally malnourished female but not male rats show increased sensitivity to MK-801 in a differential reinforcement of low rates task. Behavioral Pharmacology, v. 9, n. 1, p. 49-60, 1998Tradução . . Acesso em: 10 nov. 2024. -
Tonkiss, J., Almeida, S. de S., & Galler, J. R. (1998). Prenatally malnourished female but not male rats show increased sensitivity to MK-801 in a differential reinforcement of low rates task. Behavioral Pharmacology, 9( 1), 49-60. -
Tonkiss J, Almeida S de S, Galler JR. Prenatally malnourished female but not male rats show increased sensitivity to MK-801 in a differential reinforcement of low rates task. Behavioral Pharmacology. 1998 ; 9( 1): 49-60.[citado 2024 nov. 10 ] -
Tonkiss J, Almeida S de S, Galler JR. Prenatally malnourished female but not male rats show increased sensitivity to MK-801 in a differential reinforcement of low rates task. Behavioral Pharmacology. 1998 ; 9( 1): 49-60.[citado 2024 nov. 10 ] - Prenatal protein malnutrition affects avoidance but not escape behavior in the elevated t-maze test
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