Filtros : "VAGA, CLAUDIA FRANCESCA" "2022" "CEBIMAR" Removido: "Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan" Limpar


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  • Fonte: Marine Biodiversity. Unidades: CEBIMAR, IB

    Assunto: BRYOZOA

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    • ABNT

      NASCIMENTO, Karine Bianca et al. Occurrence of the bryozoan Amathia alternata Lamouroux, 1816 in the SW Atlantic: a new invasive species with potential impact on human livelihoods. Marine Biodiversity, v. 52, n. 19, 2022Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Nascimento, K. B., Migotto, A. E., Vaga, C. F., & Vieira, L. M. (2022). Occurrence of the bryozoan Amathia alternata Lamouroux, 1816 in the SW Atlantic: a new invasive species with potential impact on human livelihoods. Marine Biodiversity, 52( 19). doi:10.1007/s12526-022-01263-7
    • NLM

      Nascimento KB, Migotto AE, Vaga CF, Vieira LM. Occurrence of the bryozoan Amathia alternata Lamouroux, 1816 in the SW Atlantic: a new invasive species with potential impact on human livelihoods [Internet]. Marine Biodiversity. 2022 ; 52( 19):[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Nascimento KB, Migotto AE, Vaga CF, Vieira LM. Occurrence of the bryozoan Amathia alternata Lamouroux, 1816 in the SW Atlantic: a new invasive species with potential impact on human livelihoods [Internet]. Marine Biodiversity. 2022 ; 52( 19):[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:

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