Filtros : "Isola, A" "Holanda" Removido: "Comissão de Cultura e Extensão Universitária do ICB/USP" Limpar

  • Fonte: Biological Rhythm Research. Unidade: ICB

    Assunto: FISIOLOGIA

    Como citar
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    • ABNT

      MELLO, L et al. Four-year follow-up study of the sleep-wake cycle of an infant. Biological Rhythm Research, v. 27, n. 3 , p. 291-8, 1996Tradução . . Acesso em: 23 abr. 2024.
    • APA

      Mello, L., Isola, A., Louzada, F. M., & Menna Barreto, L. S. (1996). Four-year follow-up study of the sleep-wake cycle of an infant. Biological Rhythm Research, 27( 3 ), 291-8.
    • NLM

      Mello L, Isola A, Louzada FM, Menna Barreto LS. Four-year follow-up study of the sleep-wake cycle of an infant. Biological Rhythm Research. 1996 ;27( 3 ): 291-8.[citado 2024 abr. 23 ]
    • Vancouver

      Mello L, Isola A, Louzada FM, Menna Barreto LS. Four-year follow-up study of the sleep-wake cycle of an infant. Biological Rhythm Research. 1996 ;27( 3 ): 291-8.[citado 2024 abr. 23 ]

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