Filtros : "DeYoung, D." "Nussio, Luiz Gustavo" Limpar


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  • Source: Journal of Dairy Science. Unidade: ESALQ


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    • ABNT

      TAGARI, H. et al. Portal drained visceral flux, hepatic metabolism, and mammary uptake of free and peptide-bound amino acids and milk amino acid output in dairy cows fed diets containing corn grain steam flaked at 360 or steam rolled at 490 g/L. Journal of Dairy Science, v. 87, p. 413-430, 2004Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Tagari, H., Webb Junior, K., Theurer, B., Huber, T., DeYoung, D., Cuneo, P., et al. (2004). Portal drained visceral flux, hepatic metabolism, and mammary uptake of free and peptide-bound amino acids and milk amino acid output in dairy cows fed diets containing corn grain steam flaked at 360 or steam rolled at 490 g/L. Journal of Dairy Science, 87, 413-430. Recuperado de
    • NLM

      Tagari H, Webb Junior K, Theurer B, Huber T, DeYoung D, Cuneo P, Santos JEP, Simas J, Sadik M, Alio A, Lozano G, Delgado-Escueta A, Nussio LG, Nussio CMB, Santos FAP. Portal drained visceral flux, hepatic metabolism, and mammary uptake of free and peptide-bound amino acids and milk amino acid output in dairy cows fed diets containing corn grain steam flaked at 360 or steam rolled at 490 g/L [Internet]. Journal of Dairy Science. 2004 ; 87 413-430.[citado 2024 jun. 14 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Tagari H, Webb Junior K, Theurer B, Huber T, DeYoung D, Cuneo P, Santos JEP, Simas J, Sadik M, Alio A, Lozano G, Delgado-Escueta A, Nussio LG, Nussio CMB, Santos FAP. Portal drained visceral flux, hepatic metabolism, and mammary uptake of free and peptide-bound amino acids and milk amino acid output in dairy cows fed diets containing corn grain steam flaked at 360 or steam rolled at 490 g/L [Internet]. Journal of Dairy Science. 2004 ; 87 413-430.[citado 2024 jun. 14 ] Available from:

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